Be your own cloud Sun, 06 Jun 2021 08:27:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Update a Docker Container Wed, 24 Mar 2021 21:17:03 +0000

The Docker virtualization containers you have installed does not automatically update when new versions are available. So that is for you a manual process, to get the latest version up and running.

Thankfully it’s fairly easy to do, so here I’ll show you the process in 5 simple steps. Here we go…

1. Search container to be updated

Select the container to be updated and click Download and select Latest.

2. Stop and Rename running container

When stopped click edit and change the container name. As this version of the container will act as a rollback copy, I have just added “-backup ” to the name. Also, remember to disable auto-start.

3. Duplicate container settings

Under Settings click Duplicate Settings. Give the duplicate the original container name and click Apply.

The port settings are unik for every container, so in above picture local port 5050 has to be changed to Auto. Delete the value 5050 and click Apply.

4. Check the duplicated settings

Check that everything has been duplicated correct, especially custom port settings has to be set manually. In above picture Local Port has been changed from Auto to 5050. Click Apply.

5. Run the updated container

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